; survival knife construction.

Construction Source Result
Chop Tree Trunk Into Planks 1 tree trunk . dirt
Build Improvised Shelter 0 shallow pit # improvised shelter
Build Makeshift Door . empty door frame + closed makeshift door
Build Metal Door . empty metal door frame
Build Metal Door . empty metal door frame + closed metal door
Build Window " window without curtains " window with curtains
Remove Tape from Window " taped window " window
Remove Tape from Window " taped window " window with curtains
Remove Tape from Window " taped window " window
Remove Tape from Window " taped window " window without curtains
Build Metal Bars . floor " metal bars
Build Wattle-and-Daub Wall # half-built wattle-and-daub wall
Build Wattle-and-Daub Wall # half-built wattle-and-daub wall LINE_OXOX wattle-and-daub wall
Repair Wattle-and-Daub Wall & broken wattle-and-daub wall LINE_OXOX wattle-and-daub wall
Build Thatched Roof . dirt floor
Build Bulletin Board 6 bulletin board
Build Dresser { dresser
Build Bookcase { bookcase
Build Entertainment Center { entertainment center
Build Wooden Rack { wooden rack
Build Counter # counter
Build Table # table
Build Coffee Table # table
Build Bed from Scratch # bed
Build Bunk Bed # bunk bed
Build Bed Frame # bed frame
Build Armchair H arm chair
Build Sofa H sofa
Build Wood Stove # wood stove
Build Fermenting Vat O fermenting vat
Build Wooden Keg H wooden keg
Build Standing Tank O standing tank
Build Desk # desk
Build Wardrobe { wardrobe
Build Safe O open safe
Build Dumpster { dumpster
Build Mailbox P mailbox
Build Bar Door . empty metal door frame + closed bar door
Install Bars Onto Window " window # window frame with metal bars
Install Bars Onto Window " window without curtains # window frame with metal bars
Install Bars Onto Window " window # window with metal bars
Install Bars Onto Window # window frame with metal bars " window with metal bars and curtains
Build Large Metal Support . concrete T large metal support
Build Small Metal Support . concrete l small metal support
Dig Downstair is:DIGGABLE
Mine Downstair . rock floor
Mine Upstair # solid rock
Build Metal Charcoal Kiln U metal charcoal kiln
Build Smoking Rack = smoking rack
Build Reinforced Glass Window . empty metal window frame
Build Reinforced Glass Window . empty metal window frame LINE_OXOX reinforced glass
Build Reinforced Glass Window LINE_OXOX reinforced glass LINE_OXOX reinforced glass with closed shutters
Build Butchering Rack ^ butchering rack
Reinforce Junk Metal Wall using bolts LINE_OXOX junk metal barrier LINE_OXOX junk metal wall
Reinforce Junk Metal Wall using spot-welds LINE_OXOX junk metal barrier LINE_OXOX junk metal wall
Build Junk Metal Floor LINE_OXOX junk metal floor
Build Pine Lean-To 4 pine tree ; pine lean-to
Build Arc Furnace U arc furnace
Build a radio tower. is:FLAT & radio tower
Build a radio tower console. is:FLAT 6 radio controls
Build Log Stool # log stool
Build Decorative Tree + decorative tree
Chop Tree Trunk Into Logs 1 tree trunk . dirt
Makeshift Wall 0 shallow pit LINE_OXOX stick wall